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My Hands My Sister


I'm an independent kind of girl. I've always done things my own way in my own time. So when I heard the unmistakable sound of a flat tire I sighed and pulled over, determined to take care of it myself. Sure I could have called for help, but running through possible candidates in my head quickly quenched those thoughts; My Mom? Ha! She was great at cleaning up spills in the kitchen, but anything mechanical just put her in a tizz as she put it. My sister? Again, I smiled to myself. She was 19 and more interested in her looks than anything else. She'd be afraid of breaking a perfectly manicured fingernail.

Hmm, who else? A man? My ex-boyfriend and I wanted nothing to do with each other, so he was out. My boss from the cafe? Ew! That slimy creep would probably expect me to 'pay him back' somehow. Most men would probably take one look at me and conclude I had never been near a tire iron in all of my 21 years. They'd be right. But I had my pride, and I was going to get myself out of this pickle. I mean, how tricky could it be?

As it turns out, pretty damn tricky.

After a lot of puffing and swearing, I got the lug nuts off the wheel ok. I got the jack jacked up and was pulling the flat tire off with both my hands under the tire when the jack gave way. Turns out I probably had it jacked up crooked, skewed against some piece of metal under the car. Anyway what followed was the most painful, excruciating ten minutes of my life. The wheel came down on my fingers. Sure it was flat, but it had the weight of the car on it. For a split second I wondered what the hell had happened. Then the pain kicked in. My hands were trapped beneath the tire and it HURT LIKE HELL!

I screamed. I screamed, and I screamed.

Luckily I was only a few blocks from home, surrounded by suburban houses, and not on the freeway. Within a minute I was surrounded by at least ten or so people. Men getting the jack back up again, a woman calling for an ambulance, and some old lady telling me "I'm sure everything will be ok dear."

Oh God the pain! That's when I blacked out.


I'll skip the ambulance ride and my few days in hospital, with all the X-rays, visitors and so on. Long story short, I had broken four fingers on my right hand and three on the left. Mostly simple fractures it turns out, but I still needed all fingers in plastic splints and both hands from the wrists down covered in plaster with just the tips of my fingers showing. And they would stay that way for at least six weeks, after which I'd have more X-rays to see how they were mending.

Six weeks without my hands! I couldn't feed myself, wash myself, dress myself or even pick my nose! Luckily I still lived at home with my mother and sister, so at least I'd have some help. To say I felt helpless would be an understatement. Alone in the hospital room I stared sadly at my huge club hands. A stupid helpless idiot.

The drive home from the hospital was unbearable. My Mom kept going through all the things she'd do to help; she was a nurse so this was right up her alley; and my sister Stephanie just sat in the back seat and sulked.

Finally I turned around and faced her. "You OK Steph?"

Stephanie just stared out the window. Mom shook her head. "She'll be OK Jess. She's upset because I told her she'd have to look after you while I'm at work. I've moved my work hours to the night shift for the six weeks, so I'll be there for you during the day, and Stephanie will care for you during the evenings."

Oh that was it, I thought. I'd really be crimping Stephanie's nightlife. At least once or twice a week she went dancing at a club or just out with her girlfriends. At first I was mad that she didn't want to help me, but if I was in her position maybe I'd feel a bit put out too.

"I'm sorry Steph." I really was too. "If I could change all this I would. I'm so sorry you have a stupid invalid klutz as a sister."

I could't help it, I started to cry. Mom put a hand on my arm. Stephanie's look softened, but she still said nothing and kept staring out the window.

Having both hands incapacitated was surreal. I kept wanting to scratch my nose or rub my neck, just the little things we all take for granted. And I was quickly learning how much inconvenience I was in for. As the car pulled into the driveway I couldn't even open the door for myself. I had to wait until Mom asked Stephanie to get it, which she did with an apologetic smile.

"You ok?" she asked.

I guess she was having second thoughts about keeping up that whole wounded feelings act.

"Yeah, thanks Steph." I gave her a hug.

"Ow!" She jumped as my clubbed hands thumped her back.

"Oh I'm sorry! Are you alright?" I was afraid I had really hurt her. Those things were heavy. "Guess I'll have to cut down on the hugs."

Steph stepped up and wrapped her arms around me. "Nah, you don't have to do that."

That was the Stephanie I knew and loved. She held the hug a bit, and I've got to say it felt really nice. Maybe it was because my hands couldn't feel anything, but the sensations coming from the rest of my body felt strangely heightened. I could feel her arms on mine, her head on my shoulder, her long brown hair, which smelled faintly of apples, pressing on my cheek, her thigh lightly pressing between my legs, and her breasts moulding into mine, rising and falling with each breath. For a moment I was lost in these feelings; overwhelmed with a closeness, an attraction for this girl. The hug lasted only ten seconds or so, but it seemed to last a lot longer. And then Steph pulled away, holding my shoulders for a second, her cheeks slightly flushed and a slight smile on her face. Something... something had happened.

Mom came around the car with my bags. "Let's get you inside. You'll need help unpacking of course, and do you need to go to the toilet? You'll be needing assistance with that as well I'm afraid."

Oh joy.

I tried to keep the sarcasm out of my voice. "Thanks nurse Manning."

She just smiled and hustled us inside. As soon as we were in the door Steph breezed past us towards the stairs.

"I'll be off to my room then."

Mom stopped her with a finger. "Oh no you don't young lady; you can make us dinner."

Steph and I just stood there with our mouths open. Stef had hardly cooked a day in her life.

Mom was enjoying this. "You can put on some pasta..." Stef's eyes opened as wide as her mouth. "...or maybe toasted sandwiches?"

Steph's face lightened a bit. "I can do that."

"That's my girl."


Upstairs Mom started unpacking my bag from the hospital, dropping clothes onto the bed.

"Think I might just wash the whole lot Jess."

"Uh Mom?" I looked at the floor, wall, anywhere but her. "I think I do need to use the toilet..."

Mom switched into efficient nurse mode, and opened the door to the bathroom between mine and Steph's rooms.

"Of course dear, follow me. There's nothing to be embarrassed about. I do this sort of thing a dozen times each week. With total strangers at that."

As we stepped into the bathroom my face grew red. Mom's patter didn't help. I was dreading this. It wasn't just that I'd be showing my mother my private parts, it was the fact that she'd be wiping my pussy dry, or even worse, if I needed to poop she'd have to wipe my ass.

"I... I don't know if I can do this Mom."

"Don't be silly Jess. The first time will be the hardest for you. After that it gets easier."

She started undoing my jeans. "Come on, off with with your pants." She whipped down my jeans and then grabbing the top of my panties pulled those down in one swift motion.

Mom had stopped and was looking down at my crotch. "Oh. You shave down there..."

I felt my face burning. "Well yeah... I have for a while. It, um, feels nice." I looked down at myself and noticed the stubbly hair, and forgetting the strangeness of the situation said, "Of course I haven't had a chance the last few days."

"Well I can help if you..."

I cut Mom off. "No, that's, um, fine thanks Mom. This is all weird enough already."

I gave her a weak smile. The idea of my own mother shaving my pussy filled me with dread and an odd sense of excitement at the same time.

"Oh honey, it's all ok. The time will go quickly, and it'll all be over before you know it. Now, why are we here with your pants around your ankles?"

I laughed. "Oh yeah!" In seconds I was sitting on the can squirting away while she picked invisible specks from her sleeve.

I've got to say this for my Mom; she was an efficient nurse; when she heard me finish she grabbed a few sheets of toilet paper, reached down between my legs and quickly gave me a couple of wipes, dropping the paper in the bowl all in one motion.

"Job done." She helped me pull up my panties and jeans and that was it. She washed her hands in the basin and smiled at me in the mirror.

"Wasn't so terrible was it?"

I gave a wan smile back. "I guess not."

"Come on let's go down for dinner. That's if your sister hasn't burnt down the kitchen while we've been gone."

We both laughed. Even with the incapacitated hands and all the embarrassment it was still good to be home.


As Mom and I entered the kitchen/dining area, nothing could have prepared us for what we were seeing. Food was everywhere - spreads with their lids off were strewn on every bench, two open bags of bread, cartons of milk and juice, glasses and plates placed haphazardly around the kitchen, cupboard doors open, smoke coming out of the sandwich maker - the place was a disaster area. All for a couple of toasted sandwiches!

And there was my sister, with a full-length apron on, darting from one thing to the next as if she was putting out fires. If all that wasn't enough to stop Mom and I in our tracks, we stood with mouths open as Stephanie turned around to reveal she had removed her pants and was only wearing skimpy red panties, which the back of the apron did nothing to conceal. I stood transfixed, the mess forgotten, as I watched the muscles of her slender legs flex, and her ass cheeks pinch together as she reached for a spatula across the bench.

It was amazing. Beautiful. Sexy. Steph had a gorgeous, toned body. I guess all that dancing helped. While my hips and breasts were fuller, Steph's body seemed so lithe, so athletic. One side of her panties had risen up, exposing a cute ass cheek. Watching her twirl around the kitchen, I had the biggest grin on my face and the funniest butterfly feeling in my stomach.

I don't think Mom was as amazed as me though. "Stephanie! Where are your pants?!"

Steph turned around, with a big dimpled smile. "Didn't want to get my good pants dirty Mom. Then I found the apron." She waved the spatula in the air flicking bits of melted cheese across the room. "I'm a chef!"

Mom couldn't help herself; she burst into laughter. She went and gave Steph a hug, then a little slap on her ass.

Steph jumped. "Hey! Watch it! I've got a spatula you know!

And then we were all laughing. Mom proceeded to clean up while Steph loaded toasted sandwiches onto plates. Soon we were all sitting at the table eating. Well I was technically eating. I was chewing the food that Mom cut into small chunks and forked into my mouth, my two club hands resting on my lap.

Steph was sitting next to me, chatting away about her new-found cooking skills, with one bare leg pointed my way. Whenever Mom was busy cutting another piece of sandwich for me, I would take furtive glances at Steph's leg and panties. I was actually turned on by the sight of my sister's bare legs. What is wrong with me?, I thought. Why the sudden attraction in Steph? I had never had these sort of feelings before. Although we had always been close, and had seen each other naked many times as we changed into clothes and whatnot, but I'd never felt these feelings before. It was like a wave of turned-on, loving need washing over me.

Mom was talking as she fed me. "I'll try and make it easier for our wonderful chef here..." Stef smiled around a mouthful of food (so cute!) "...tomorrow I'll go shopping and buy some frozen and microwave dinners. They won't be as healthy as our home cooked dinners, but they should be easier to prepare."

I grinned at Steph. "And less messy."

"Hey! All us world-class chefs make big messes when we cook!"

We all laughed again.


After dinner I was ordered to the lounge room while Mom tidied up and Steph went to her room to change. She came back down ten or so minutes later, wearing her pajamas (a t-shirt and shorty-shorts ensemble) and her hair tied back in a ponytail. God she was cute! Now, I had never considered myself a lesbian but I swear I wanted to lick her long luscious legs as she passed between me and the coffee table.

And she smelled fantastic - something fresh yet spicy. "You smell nice. What are you wearing?"

She plopped down on the sofa next to me, looked quizzically at me, smiled and shook her head. "Nothing. Hundred percent Stephy-ness; but thanks."

That was her? That perfume? Oh god.

I looked away, blushing. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Steph still looking at me, frowning slightly, but with a smile. I needed to say something to her, explain what was happening to me, what I was feeling. But then I heard Mom coming, and the moment was gone.

Mom walked in with a bottle of wine, three glasses... and a straw.

I made a face. "Ew, wine through a straw?"

Steph took a glass of wine from Mom, placed the straw in and knelt down in front of me.

"Don't worry Jess, I'll be your slave girl. Just pretend you're Cleopatra." I opened my legs as she leaned forward, holding the glass of wine with one hand, the straw with the other and placed it at my lips.

I took a sip. "Mm, not so bad I guess. Now slave, I give you permission to partake as well."

She lowered her head, but not her eyes. "Yes mistress."

Mom laughed. "Oh you two!"

Steph stayed where she was between my legs, one arm draped over my knee, and her back against my other leg as she sipped her wine and chattered with Mom. From where I sat I had the perfect view down her top. Her t-shirt hung loose at the front, and I could see the top halves of her breasts. So smooth and round, rising and falling with her breaths, jiggling with her giggles. Conflicting emotions ran through me. One second I was telling myself to stop thinking about my sister this way, the next second I wanted nothing more on this earth than to lower my head to those gorgeous orbs and suck and lick them silly. My breath had quickened, and I was sure I was getting wet between my legs. Oh god I hoped Steph wouldn't notice a wet patch, or worse, smell my arousal.

Luckily, Mom stood up and announced she was going to bed.

"It's been a long day for me. I'm beat. Steph can you help Jess get changed and into bed please? I'll give you a shower in the morning Jess. And don't look like that - it'll be quick and painless, just like the toilet."

I sighed. Realizing there was nothing I could do about it. "Thanks Mom."

She bent down to give me a hug and a kiss. Steph stood up, gave Mom a big hug, then settled down on the couch next to me again.

Mom headed up the stairs. "Goodnight girls!"

"Goodnight Mom!", we chimed.


Steph gave me another drink of wine with the straw, then sat back with her own glass, with her knees drawn up to her chest. This caused her pajama shorts to come together at the crotch, which revealed a glimpse of her mound on either side. It was shaven as well. My heart was beating so fast! I was trying not to look, just taking furtive glances whenever I thought she wasn't looking at me.

This was crazy! I had to stop looking at my little sister like this. After I had noisily drained the last of the wine from my glass, I smiled and thanked Steph.

"As nice as this is, with just the two of us hanging out, I think it's time I got some sleep. I'm looking forward to being in my own bed again."

Steph got up, grabbing the wine bottle and glasses.

"OK, you go up, I'll just put these away and then come and help you."

As I walked up the stairs to my room, I realized I needed to pee again. Oh god, this time Steph would have to 'help'. I stood in the middle of my room, and had just decided that I should lay on my bed and pretend to be asleep, therefore bypassing any awkwardness with Steph, when she burst into my room.

"Your very own personal slave girl reporting for duty!"

But then taking a couple of little steps in my direction, she stopped and hesitantly asked, "Permission to remove your clothes Mistress?"

I sighed and smiled. "OK, just drop the whole slave girl thing will you."

She grinned wickedly. "Your wish is my command."

Slowly Steph removed my t-shirt. Then she undid the button on my jeans, slowly pulled down the zip and lowered my pants to my ankles. I kicked them off.

I stood before my younger sister in my bra and panties, afraid of what was to come next, while at the same time, tingling with a profound, excruciating sense of arousal.

Steph's eyes darted all over my body. "Are you ok with this Jess? You look scared."

"No. Yes. God I don't know. It's ok. I have to get used to it. Let's do it." I took a deep breath, "Take off my bra Steph."

Steph could have stepped behind me, but chose instead to wrap her arms around me to undo the clasp, her body pressed against mine in a non-hug embrace. Her body wiggled adorably as she struggled with the clasp. In my current state this of course did nothing but heighten my arousal. I was taking deep breaths now.

"Sorry... ah! Got it!"

Steph stepped back holding the straps and slowly peeled the bra from my body. I closed my eyes.

"Jess. It's ok."

I opened my eyes to find Steph looking directly at my breasts and hardened nipples.

"You have nothing to be ashamed of big sister. I know I've seem them before, but tonight, tonight they seem more beautiful somehow."

Oh how I wanted to say more, but all that came out was a weak, "Thanks Steph."

"Now let's get those panties off and your p.j.'s on huh?"

"Wait, Steph!" I had to explain the state of my panties before she saw them! "Since getting out of the hospital, I've been, ah, kind of aroused..."

"You mean horny? I knew there was something up with you!"

I looked down at the floor. "I've been looking at you and..." I trailed off.

"Me?! Why big sister, I didn't know you batted for both teams!" The biggest grin covered her face.

"I don't! I didn't! I, I mean I don't know what to think at the moment." I was almost about to cry again.

Sensing this, Steph stepped in and hugged me. And it was at this exact moment, when so much of our skin was touching, she whispered in my ear, "I'm kinda that way myself you know."

I pulled back, my eyes wide. "You're a lesbian?!"

"Well, not technically. You know I've had a couple of boyfriends. But more and more lately I've been leaning the other way. So I'm bi I guess. You know Beth?"

"Beth? You and her...?"

She did that dimple grin thing she does when she's pleased with herself. "We did. We are. Well, we were... She got kinda serious about it. I was more lust than love, you know? But she wanted us to come out and announce it to the world. I wasn't ready for that. Still not. So this is our secret ok?"

"Wow," I said, "Wow."

Maybe that's why I had been so easily attracted to her all day; she had been exuding an unconscious girl-girl vibe or something.

Steph licked her lips. "Now let's get those juicy panties off huh?"

"Steph!" I was flabbergasted how this had turned around. From me being so worried about what she would think of me if she knew how I'd been fantasizing about her, to this; her flirting with me!

In one smooth motion she knelt down in front of me and pulled my panties to my ankles.

Holding them up she said, "Oo you have been a naughty girl haven't you?"

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