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  • The House of Teenage Tyranny Ch. 02

The House of Teenage Tyranny Ch. 02


AUTHOR'S NOTE: All characters in this story are at least 18 years of age.



When he awoke Saturday morning, he threw open his eyes quickly, and froze. He could hear Eric's voice calling for him. "Daveeeey! Daaaavey!" He heard knocking at the back door, which, fortunately, he had locked before going to bed the night before. Otherwise, David was sure, Eric would already be in the house. The knocking stopped, so David thought, Oh good. Maybe he'll just come back later. I'm not ready to get up yet. What time is it anyway? Then he was startled to hear knocking at the front door, with Eric continuing to call his name. (Well, actually, the name "Davey". Who decided it was OK for Eric and Katie to call him "Davey" anyway? His name was David. David, not Dave, and certainly not DAVEY.)

Eric continued banging on the front door, but David was just not ready to deal with Eric yet today. He lived just a couple blocks away, so he knew it would be no big deal for Eric to come back later. When the knocking at the front door stopped, David rolled on his side and closed his eyes.

*Bang-bang-bang-bang!* on the bedroom window. "Daveyyyy!! Davey, you up? I know you're home, I see your car here. It's Eric. Let me in! Daveyyyy!!" *Knock knock knock knock*.

Ugh! Are you serious? Well, there was no way Eric would believe that banging on the window had not awakened David. So David sighed and shuffled out of his bedroom to the front door. When he opened it, Eric said, "Hey, there you are" and charged right in before David could effectively block his path. "Hey," said Eric, "how come you had the back door locked? I thought you said you were gonna leave it open."

"Well ... you mean, uhh ... all the time?"

"Yeah, so me and Katie can get in? Remember?"

"Well ... but ..."

"It doesn't matter, we'll get a key made today. Hey, get dressed and I'll come with you to the store. I see you haven't been out yet to get the cigarettes and ashtrays and all that stuff. We have some other stuff to get, too, then we'll go pick up Katie. We're gonna stay over tonight."

"Stay ... over? What do you mean? Stay over where?"

"Here," said Eric, pointing to the living room floor.

"What, you mean like ... you and Katie are ... you're gonna spend the night here tonight?"

"Yeah. Her mom thinks she's stayin' at a friend's house tonight, and my mom doesn't really care what I do, so we're all set, and we're gonna spend the night here. I brought my video game system. It's in this bag. We'll hook it up to your TV later." With that, Eric set a backpack down on the living room floor.

"Why does ... her mom care if you two ... you know ... spend the night together? You're of age."

"Dude, she's paranoid Katie's gonna get pregnant and then she'll have to take care of another kid at the house. Katie's sister got knocked up in high school and that's two more mouths to feed at the house, you know ... So she's like 'You're not havin' sex with someone 'til you're out of the house and on your own and can take care of yourself, blah blah blah'."

"Ummmm. Eric. I-I-I-I ... Uh, I really ... I don't think that's a good idea, you guys spending the night here."

"Oh, come on."

"But ... I mean ... I really ... I don't like ..."

"Come on, it'll be fine. What's the big deal?"

"Well, it's ... I mean ... you ... uhhh ..."

"Come o-o-o-o-on. Hey come on, get dressed, we got runnin' around to do."

After David stood stupidly in the same spot for a moment, Eric snapped his fingers. "Davey. Come on. Get dressed. Let's go."

"Ummmm ... OK."

David and Eric went to a hardware store and made a copy of the key to his house, to give to Eric. It gave him a terrible sinking feeling to hand over the key, knowing that now Eric could come and go as he pleased, letting himself into David's house any time, and from Eric's behavior so far, that could likely mean ... ANY time.

Next they stopped at a gas station for two cartons of smokes and 10 lighters. The total cost made David turn pale. It was excruciating to have to hand over that much money for items he himself derived no benefit from and which were sure to make his house and his car stink thoroughly, very soon.

Though David didn't know it yet, the most expensive stop was yet to come. In the grocery store, where David thought they were just getting candles, ashtrays, hot pockets, frozen burritos, and chocolate bars, it turned out that Eric grabbed dozens more food items. David could hardly nudge the cart another foot before Eric was putting something else in. To make matters worse, he was on the phone with Katie the whole time, telling her what he was seeing and asking what she might want. When they finally got to the checkout, Eric said, "Gimme the car keys, Davey. I'll meet you at the car." Stuck in the checkout aisle with a cart full of groceries, his wallet, and a whopping bill forthcoming, David watched Eric stroll out of the store, still chatting with Katie on his phone.

When he got to his car, he saw Eric sitting in the passenger seat smoking a cigarette, listening to the car stereo, and still talking on the phone with Katie. David opened the trunk and loaded the groceries in; naturally Eric stayed put and didn't offer to help.

Next it was time to swing by Katie's house and pick her up. On the way there, David thought he might have one last chance to talk Eric out of the idea of the teens spending the night at David's house ... a seriously bad idea. But Eric stayed on the phone with Katie, and David never got a chance to bring the subject up, as he didn't want to be rude and interrupt Eric's conversation.

On the ride from Katie's house to David's, naturally the kids cuddled in the back seat while David drove. Eric had put the radio on a station the teens liked, and at one point Katie blew smoke up into the front seat and shouted, "Davey, turn it up!"

Back at David's, the teens didn't carry a single thing into the house except the backpack Katie had brought along. Eric took her to the front door, saying, "Check it out, we have a key," while David grabbed a load of groceries from the trunk. The teens started setting up the living room to be their recreation area, hooking up the video game system, while David went back and forth carrying in all the groceries and other supplies. It took him quite a while to get everything placed. He ended up having to take out what was already in the freezer so he could completely rearrange things and get all the new stuff in.

About the time he got the freezer door closed, he heard Eric call from the living room. "Hey Davey. Break out a couple of those hot pockets, I'm hungry."

"Me too!" said Katie.

"Ummm! OK!" After taking out half the freezer items to get to the hot pockets, then replacing everything, David heated up two for each of them and carried them into the living room. As he handed them to the teens, they each said, "Can of soda, too", so David went back to the kitchen for that.

For the next few hours the teens hung out in David's living room playing video games, watching TV, and smoking cigarettes. Any time they needed something that would require them to walk to another room, they called for "Davey" to get it for them. When he wasn't waiting on Eric and Katie, David busied himself with some chores he'd needed to do that day anyway, such as his laundry, and paying some bills.

As David stood in his little laundry area folding some towels, suddenly Eric appeared beside him. "Oh my god, Davey! Davey! I just thought of something. Do you have any condoms?"

"Uhhhh ... condoms?"

"Yeah, you know, like rubbers. Condoms. You got any?"

"Ummmm ... no."

"You don't? You don't have a girlfriend or anything?"

"Uh, no."

"OK, well, I need some condoms, ya gotta go out and get me some. We shoulda got those earlier, I forgot all about it."

"Uhhh, ummm ... you ... uh, you want me to go buy you ... condoms?"


"Aww, Eric. I ... I mean ... I ... I don't ... want to buy condoms."

"Why not? I need some, dude. I'm spending the night tonight with Katie. Helloooo. Haha. She's not on birth control or anything, we gotta have condoms."

"No but I mean ... I ... I don't wanna buy them, it's embarrassing."

"Embarrassing?? What are you talking about? A man buying condoms, how is that embarrassing? If a man's buying condoms, it means he's about to get lucky. Why would you be embarr- well, I mean, YOU're not actually gonna get lucky, I am, haha, but they don't know that. Dude, come on, you gotta go out and get me a box."

"A box?"

"Yeah, like a box of 12. Or even more. However many you want, 'cause Katie and I will use 'em eventually. Heh heh. Ohhh yeah." Eric nudged David with his elbow. "Come on. That can wait. Go to the store. Get me a box of condoms."

"But ... Eric ..." David lowered his voice to almost a whisper in case Katie should appear in the little utility room. "Are you guys really gonna ... um ... have ... sex? ... here?"

"Of course. What, are you kidding? Why do you think we set it up so we could spend the night in the same place without her mom knowing about it?"

"But ... Eric ..."

"Davey ... do you want me to pull you to the front door by your ear to get you out of the house? Come on. Go to the store and get me some condoms."

David sniveled. "OK."

That evening, the teens spent a couple of hours outside enjoying the pool and the patio by candlelight. This gave David a chance to reclaim his living room and his television set. He enjoyed a bit of TV in his recliner, until Eric and Katie came back in, and without even bothering to check if David was finished watching his show, grabbed the remote and turned it to what they wanted to watch. Without looking at David at all, Katie said, "Davey, get me a snack, I'm hungry."

"OK," said David, retracting the footrest to his recliner.

Later that night, David went into the bathroom to get himself ready for bed, and he saw Katie's two soaking wet bikini pieces lying on the bathroom floor. He didn't want them lying there, and of course they wouldn't get dry on the floor; they needed to be hung, but as he picked them both up to drape them over the shower rod, he got a hard-on and felt ashamed and pervy.

When he was ready for bed he walked to living room and said "Good night" to the teens. Only Eric answered. "You goin' to bed, Davey? OK, g'nite."

But a little later Eric called to him, and when David shuffled out of his bedroom, he saw the teens concentrating on their video game on the TV screen. Without looking, Eric said, "Davey, get us some soda."

He fetched their cans of soda and set them down in the living room, not surprised that they didn't say anything by way of thanks, and went back into his bedroom to return to bed. He was sure he had already drifted off to sleep when he heard them beckoning him again. Ugh! Are they serious? Don't they know he's trying to sleep? This time Katie just wanted a candy bar. Couldn't she go into the kitchen and get it herself? David brought one to the living room and handed it to her. The teens were both sitting cross-legged on the floor playing their game. Standing before them in his pajamas, David said, "Is there anything else ... because ... I'm trying to sleep."

"Just stay up," Katie said, not taking her eyes off the video game. "Ohhhh!! Duuude! You got me! Shit, you came outta nowhere, how'd you do that?" She nudged Eric, who had evidently just pulled some clever maneuver on her, in their game. "You fucker."

"I know right. I'm gonna get you again, too, watch this," said Eric.

"Shut up. No you're not."

"Yeah, Davey, you might want to just wait 'til we go to sleep. It's Saturday night, dude. And it's only like 12:00."

"Well ..." David shifted his weight awkwardly.

"Here. Dude. Sit down. Watch us play this."

"Ummmm ... well ... OK."

He found the game interesting for about five minutes, but before long he almost felt dizzy from the constant movement of the images, and he didn't really understand the action on the screen anyway. He couldn't tell who was doing what, or what was really going on. His eyes started to droop, but before long Katie said, "Davey ... grab me a cigarette." Her hands were fixed to her game controller, so she had David put it in her mouth and light it for her, and bring an ashtray nearby. He went back to where he'd been sitting previously, but then Katie called him back over and made David hold the cigarette for her between puffs. He hated being that close to all the smoke, and Katie made it worse by blowing it in his direction so it wouldn't be between her and the TV screen.

When they were finally done playing the game, they switched it to the TV and started to make out on the couch. They made David get candles, light them, and turn off the living room lights to set a nice mood for them. Eric asked, "Hey, Davey, does this couch have a pull-out bed?"

"Um, no. No, it doesn't."

"Oh. Shit. I just assumed it did. We were gonna sleep out here. Well ... do you have blankets, Davey? We can throw some blankets on the floor and make a bed out of them."

"Yes. OK ... I'll get some blankets. And pillows."

He helped them arrange everything and put a makeshift bed together, feeling relieved that he would finally be able to return to bed. They had kept him up much later than he was used to. "OK ... well ... good night."

"Hold on," said Eric. "Don't go to bed yet. We might still need you."

As David stood watching them commence to get under their covers and start making out, he wondered what they could "need" him for at this point. He felt silly watching them, so he sat down in his recliner and closed his eyes. He could hear them kissing, and breathing, he heard their bodies rustle against the sheets ... now and then he heard what sounded like a soft whimper coming from Katie ... he couldn't help but open his eyes now and then to catch a glimpse of their candlelit forms embracing under the covers.

"Davey," he heard Eric say, between plying Katie's soft lips with his kisses. "Get me a condom. I put the box over there."

David opened the box and detached one condom packet from the perforated bunch. He walked near Eric, and stooped down. "Here you go." Eric didn't take it, but said, "Open it for me. Take the condom out."

David sniveled. "You want ME to take it out?"

"Yeah. The worst part of using condoms is having to open them and fool around with them while you're in the middle of ... fooling around haha. This is perfect. You can do it for me."

David examined the condom wrapper in the candlelight. How does this work? he thought. He couldn't see right away how to open it; this was the first time he'd ever held a condom packet in his life. Finally he asked, "How does this open?"

"Oh my god," Katie laughed. "You don't know how to open a condom wrapper?"

"You just tear it on the side," Eric said. After fumbling a bit, David finally got it open. He reached in to pull the condom out and was surprised that it felt kind of slimy. He grimaced.

"OK ... here," he said, trying to pass it to Eric.

Eric didn't take it. "You got it ready to unroll?"

"Ummm ... I guess. I don't know."

"OK, here," said Eric, sliding the cover off his body somewhat. He was lying on top of Katie, and David could see her entire naked side, which instantly took his breath away. Then he saw Eric's erect penis pointing in David's general direction. As Eric continued caressing Katie's breasts and kissing her on the mouth, he gestured for David to get on the floor beside him. David went to his knees, and then Eric said, "Put it on my dick, Davey."

"What? Aww ... uhhh ... are you serious? Put it ... on you?"

"Yeah. Come on. Slide it over my dick. Come on, hurry up."


David heard Katie say "Gawwwd, Davey!" then he was startled to feel her hand roughly grabbing his hair. She pulled his head closer to Eric's penis, then very impatiently tutored him on how to unroll a condom onto a penis. When it was on, she let go of his hair and dropped back to a prone position. "Stay right there, Davey. Don't move," she said. So David remained kneeling beside them.

For the next several minutes he watched them thrust, and moan, and breathe, and kiss, and he felt very awkward being so close to actual sex. He couldn't very well look away unless he craned his head to an uncomfortable angle, and indeed for most of the time he was somewhat mesmerized by the scene anyway. Once they had climaxed, Eric lay atop Katie while they both continued to kiss, and their breathing returned to normal. David could see that Katie's eyes were closed; she seemed very peaceful, but also very oblivious to David, who was waiting for her to release him from his embarrassing kneeling position beside them.

Finally Eric sighed and rolled off of Katie to lie on his back beside her. Katie scooted over a bit so that Eric was lying between her and David. Eric pulled back the cover to reveal the sight of his semi-rigid penis with the slimy condom on it. "OK, Davey. Take that condom off me."

"What? Aww. Ewwww. Take it off you? after you've ... could I just ... can I bring you a trash can or something?"

"No, what's the point of that, just take it off me and then take it to the trash."

David sniveled but knew there would be no point in arguing the matter. He grimaced as he pulled the disgusting thing off. "Be careful, Davey, make sure the cum doesn't drip out."

David used both hands to kind of scoop the messy jizz bag and protect the floor from drippage. When he stood up he realized that his own erect penis was making his pajama bottoms jut out obscenely. He started to step toward the bathroom when Eric caught sight of the spectacle. "Oh my god, hahahaha! Oh my god, Katie look. Davey, stop. Stop right there. Look, Davey's got a boner. Holy shit, look at that. Hahaha!"

"Ewwww!" said Katie. "Hahahaha! Ohhhh my fucking gawwd. Hahaha! Oh God, Davey, you've got a boner? From what!? Carrying a fucking cum-filled condom? Hahahaha! You like carrying messy condoms around, Davey? That turn you on? Oh my god hahahaha ... sick! Hahaha."

David was mortified. He felt helpless to take a step since he was sure one or both of them would tell him to stop, and stay right where he was. His penis was twitching in his pajamas, so not only did they see he was pitching a tent, but they could see it move. He hated the feel of the slimy condom, with Eric's jizz even now oozing out onto his palm. He almost wanted to cry. He had never been so embarrassed in his life.

"Ewww, look at it, it's like ... bouncing," Katie said. "Hahaha. Boing! Boing! Boing! Hahahahaha!! Oh my god that's so gross. Hahaha ... Davey likes cummy condoms," she sang. "Davey likes cummy condoms ... hahahaha. Ewwww!!" She covered her eyes with both her hands, but then peeked through her fingers and laughed at David's erection continuing to twitch in his pajama pants.

This was just so wrong, David thought. Standing in his own living room with someone else's used condom in his cupped palms, more or less forced to watch two teenagers have sex and then stand before them while they lay on the floor taunting him over his twitching erection. David was very close to crying.

"Oh my god ... wait, wait," he heard Katie say. He didn't like the sound of that. It meant she had an idea, and David had a feeling he wouldn't like it. "Ooh, ooh. Come over here, Davey, get on your knees again." She pointed to a spot on her side of the pallet.

"Can I throw this away first, please?"

"Noooo, no, don't throw it away. You like it, remember? Hahaha. Bring it over here. Get on your knees right here."

She asked Eric to hand her the box with the remaining condoms in it. "Oooooh, look, Davey," she cooed. "Coooondooooms ... mmmm ... does that turn you on? Hahaha. Just think. We're gonna use allll these and Eric's gonna fill eeeeevery one. And you'll get to carry them afterwards. Isn't that hot? Mmmmmm ... hahaha." With that, she started to press the box into David's crotch and against his penis. She twisted the box around this way and that, and rubbed up and down, then lightly batted his penis with it, through his pajama bottoms. Eric laughed, watching his girlfriend taunt the poor man and seeing his pained facial expressions.

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